By Clean All on Sunday, December 1st, 2019 in Blog.
The authorities strive to clean the storm Nullahs pre-monsoon each year, but it always remains more than half undone and the streets get flooded due to overflowing banks of these filthy Nullahs.
Lack of fully established sewerage facilities in the impoverished areas where these nullahs usually exist results in large quantities of waste and garbage being thrown into them. People extend their private drains to the nullahs and household sewerage ends up into these open drains that were once neat and clean streams. Apart from this, immense industrialization is also one of the reasons that have contributed massively to pollution of nullahs.
As trash and other waste bodies find their way into the nullahs, the flow of water is impeded, and they are converted into bodies of stagnant blackish muddy water. Bacteria attack the organic waste and as it biodegrades, it produces methane and H2S gas along with sludge that settles at the bottom. Thus, in a matter of only days, these open drains convert into stinking bodies of gross waste slurry and breeding grounds for various life-threatening viruses and bacteria. Slum dwellers living along these Nullahs not only have to bear the reek of dumped waste all day, but they are also at the risk of becoming infected with various pathogenic diseases.
In Pakistan, some nullahs have been choked with so much waste that they appear to be dumping sites for garbage. Monsoon season is the worst nightmare of people living in the surroundings of these nullahs. In the event of rainfall, black wastewater usually overflows the embankments filling up in the streets and creates inconvenience for the people to carry out their daily activities. However, during heavy rainfall, these choked nullahs are even at the risk of bursting their banks and cause flooding of nearby areas. Therefore, residents living near them cause a furor every year to pressurize municipalities to ensure de-silting and cleaning of nullahs before the rainy season.
Conventional cleaning of nullahs includes use of excavators to remove garbage, dirt and debris from them. Usually the muck cleared from nullahs is dumped on the roads. This is not only a health hazard for the residents but also creates unnecessary traffic jams in the area. Immediately transporting desilted waste is impossible in this case because it is wet and will litter on the roads and dirty them. Therefore, it is cleared from nullah sides after it dries. However, in such cases, the desilted sludge goes back into the nullah if it rains before it is cleared. Thus, conventional methods of nullah cleaning apart from taking place at snail’s pace are also not very effective.
CleanAll Solutions provides services of Open Drain / Nullah cleaning using specially designed Drainovators. The specially engineered drainovator discourages the leak of leachate and sludge while cleaning and transportation. The sludge is collected and transported in the same facility.
Health experts say that these nullahs contribute to a very high level of pollution and are a health risk leading to possible ailments relating to skin and lungs. The workers involved in cleaning are also exposed to pathogenic diseases like malaria and typhoid. CleanAll Solutions has specially designed its services to ensure the least exposure of workers to vectors of such aliments.
Drainovator is the ultimate machine for cleaning sludge and debris from open drains or nullahs and is an ideal solution for urban municipalities. Drainovator can be towed behind a tractor or mounted on a 4 or 8-ton GVW truck chassis. The compact design of the drainovator makes it easy to maneuver in tight narrow streets. The excavation unit has a 2 to 3 ft. horizontal offset which allows the operator to go directly above an open drain and clean everything to a depth of 5 ft.
CleanAll Solutions offers systematically designed open drain/ nullah cleaning services using state-of-the-art-technology. Over the years we have developed new technologies to provide our clients with cost effective and efficient services using the latest machinery. We provide a fix to almost every problem related to nullah cleaning.
Our dedicated staff and experienced professionals listen to your problems, undertake strategic planning and offer you the best solution. We integrate service planning with urban planning and provide you with properly dimensioned and cost-effective nullah cleaning services. The ability to be proactive, ready for any challenge and capable of handling anything that you can throw at us is our greatest asset. We excel in conditions where traditional nullah cleaning techniques fail and thus justify our motto of “cleaning with dignity”.